Saturday, March 19, 2011

You're Leaving A Digital Trail

When thinking about collective intelligence there are many positive and negatives to the idea.

"Propelled by new technologies and the Internet’s steady incursion into every nook and cranny of life, collective intelligence offers powerful capabilities, from improving the efficiency of advertising to giving community groups new ways to organize." The first thing I thought about when I read this was the following clip. Although this is not exactly what the article had in mind, it is a decent representation of the idea that with collective intelligence advertising companies can focus solely on those more likely to buy.

When it comes to privacy I do agree with the statement that we give up privacy settings of ourselves once we go on the internet. Between Facebook, blogs, e-mails and instant messaging it is very easy for a person to get any information they need. 
As I continued reading I was blown away by all that Google and Sense can do: tracking flu trends, finding when financial employees go to work... the amount of detail is astounding. Technology feeds off of details, therefore we as a civilization are surviving off of details as well.  This article makes me begin thinking about Little Brother. As the young adult novel was based of this same idea, I can't help but think that privacy paranoia may come back to haunt us. The government is already taking heat for privacy setting with taps and bugs, but will a "Big Brother" sense fully emerge with collect intelligence. I wonder if people will be more lenient because this type of intelligence could work towards their benefit such as finding main areas that the flu symptoms are appearing, or easy filter systems to finding information that a person wants.

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