Saturday, March 19, 2011

i heart novels (and those who inspire them)

There are a few things in the beginning of this article that amaze me. First of all I have always want to write something of this magnitude but most of the time inspiration hits when I first wake up or just when I'm about to fall asleep and I can never get myself to get up and write something down. But writing 10,000 words a day is simply amazing to me. Getting inspired like that, then running with inspiration must be an amazing feeling.

"The cell-phone novel, or keitai shosetsu, is the first literary genre to emerge from the cellular age. For a new form, it is remarkably robust. Maho i-Land, which is the largest cell-phone-novel site, carries more than a million titles, most of them by amateurs writing under screen handles, and all available for free." Honestly this is evolution is no surprise to me. As technology progresses to become more and more advanced, newer creations are being distributed with a greater purpose than just the ease of personal matters and organization. Cell phones, iPad, and smartphones are progressing to become so much more than what they were used for even 3 years ago. The fact someone can write an entire novel from a cell phone screams how much technology has advanced. On a personal matter, I'm not much an author but anytime I think of a song lyric or when I hear a quote or saying I quickly reach for my phone and type it in my notes.

I really liked the point that was stated that women authors tend to write autobiographically. Translating that to works and female authors I have focused on I fully believe that this is true all over the world, and not just in Japan. J.K. Rowling, the famous author to the Harry Potter series uses many of her past experiences and spins them into the famous wizard series. A great example would be that Harry is an orphan, and parts of the novels focus on his search for me information and details about his parents. Could this be from the fact that she had a newborn when she began writing the series? Did Rowling begin wondering what would life be like for her child if it was left with evil relatives and wondering what their mother was like? Authors fully feel for their characters, and there is no question that when female authors write from personal experiences they feel much more.

"The words are combinations of characters drawn from three sources—hiragana, a syllabary thought to have been developed for upper-class women, some twelve hundred years ago; katakana, a syllabary used mostly for words of foreign origin; and kanji, Chinese characters whose mastery is the measure of literary accomplishment." How the Japanese write is so interesting: right to left, top to bottom. But the fact that there is a different style of writing based on education reminds me of how the United States speak. Yes, our written language is based on educational standpoint as well, but it is easier for a person to distinguish their intelligence by speaking. I feel that there is stronger notice of female cell-phone authors in Japan because females distinguishing themselves with writing and educational sources is brand new.

"Printed, the books announce themselves as untraditional, with horizontal lines that read left to right, as on the phone. “The industry saw that there was a new readership,” one publishing executive said. “What happens when these girls get older? Will they ever grow up and start reading literature that is vertical? No one knows."  Well, I'm glad this is becoming a world phenomenon not just in the United States. With the Kindle and other technologies printed books are becoming more uncommon. Even as college assignments, most of our reading material is online. And the same questions still remain for the United States. Will our children who grew up on technology learn proper grammar and spelling. Elementary schools have even now stopped teaching cursive. Will this continue to writing print rather than learning how to type on the computer?

1 comment:

  1. HI Amanda,

    I never thought of J.K. Rowling using her newborn child to inspire feelings and experiences in Harry Potter, but I really like that idea!

    I too have always wanted to write a novel and my inspirations always hit right before bed...why is that? The idea of people writing an entire novel on their cell phone amazes me, but like you, I'm not all that surprised by this advancement. It almost seems natural in the progression of things.

    Thanks for posting!
