Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Great Films Text.... Great Ideas

Now that the text has covered all my favorite parts of film making I have so many examples and ideas I want to share. So I am just going to go straight into the text, pull out quotes and explain my thinking with what I like and don't like with examples from my favorite movies.

"In reality, we're watching a succession of still photographs. When the film is shot at higher speeds, say 240 frames per second,the projected result is seen as slow motion."(pg 27)

From the film Fight Club, this is Tyler Durden explaining process that movie theaters must use to films on projectors. But in this clip you can see how the film is many, many different frames put together in an order to suggest motion when played. I really like this quote simply because it proves that there is a lot more to editing that people may realize. This also is taking high in consideration when doing animation. When a cartoonist is drawing for a animated movie depending on how fast or slow he wants to object to move the they must think about where and how to draw said object.

"The elements with a shot--the action, dialogue camera movements, choice of lenses, and so forth___ are known collectively as mise-en-scene. Mis-en-scene refers to what happens on the set (literally, what is put into the scene), in contrast to the editing that happens after shooting." (pg 28) As we talked about shots in class, I wanted to take this time and show how different shots effect the movie's intensity when the shot is being shown. Keeping up with my Taylor addiction, this video has many of the aspects of film making that is discussed in this film. There was a variety of camera shots and movement: high-angled down, close-up, long-shots, and even an over the shoulder for a split second if you pay very close attention.  There was also some different scenes that handled lighting. I really enjoyed the lighting that showed Taylor and guy's silhouette against the window. But also take in consideration that they also did a night scene which require different camera lenses and lighting as well.

Special effects are showing up more and more in films today. As technology improves so do our movies scientific realities. From Pirates of the Caribbean, this image shows how special effects for the captain of the Black Pearl slowly turns into a skeleton in the moonlight. Now this is only a small idea of how are special effects can take the world of film. Directors have gone as far as creating entire backdrops and scenes,digitally adding in characters.

1 comment:

  1. Great examples! I love that scene in Fight Club, and it is one of my favorite movies. I remember the first time I watched it, I never knew what the 'cigarette burns' were, but I had noticed them in theaters. I think that the clip does a great job of showing us just how much effort goes into the making movies from the film industry.
