Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Using Facebook and YouTube in the classroom

In a previous blog post I mentioned how I would like to use twchnology in the classroom, but I wanted to take the opportunity to expand on my thinking. I discussed how my friend used Facebook in a lesson plan she used in student teaching. It was actually a really cool concept. She did a project in the mythology class she was student teaching in where the student created a Facebook page for their assigned greek god. This is used as a formal assessment of the entire chapter of the students learning about the gods. To show their critical thinking, and still giving the students a chance to be a bit more creative a part of their assignment was to associate their god to popular mediaes of today. For example: a student who had the godges of love connect the movie that that god would like is romantic movies and love songs.

I really like this idea so I began to think a little further of how to expand this away from Facebook seeming how most schools have that site blocked from their server. I began thinking about how people begin to show themselves and their personalities online as said in the article "I'm so digitally close to you!" but yet still not using social networking sites. So I thought about YouTube. People show their likes and dislikes through videos they post and other sites that they subscribe to. This way if a student needs to present their Facebook or YouTube site from their god it will be easier for them to immediately show their proof of their critical thinking with videos then just likes on other Facebook pages.

1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting idea. So instead of students "like"ing a page to show they understand their assigned God, they can find videos that represent it instead. I think this would work great, as long as they weren't choosing inappropriate videos.
