Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Great Films Text.... TITANIC!!!!!!

In beginning of the text, the author talks about the art of storytelling. First is discusses the idea of the narrator. "...narratology to emphasize the shared features of storytelling, no matter what the medium may be: a speech, a written text,a movie, or a dance" (pg 4). In the movie Titanic, the story is narrated in two parts. Old Rose tells the story of her voyage on Titanic, which is most of the film, but also the movie tells the story of excavators searching for the "Heart of the Ocean." This begins to go into the next section of the chapter. "Our understanding of character also depends on another element of narrative: point of view. A novel or short story can be related from varying perspectives, ranging from omniscient to restricted,objected to subjective, and authoritative to unreliable" (pg 5). Obviously, the point of view in Titanic is Rose, but there are moments where Rose is not in the story and you see a point of view from Jack. For example, how we won his ticket before meeting Rose.

"To verbal language, film adds the languages of color, movement, music and natural and artificial sounds." This is why I love Titanic so much! I love the colors of Titanic. As the ship is sailing, the audience sees many warm colors, such as golds, deep browns and reds. The throughout and after the sinking the screen shots are filled with blues and black, very cool colors.
Warm Colors!
Cool Colors!

1 comment:

  1. I love that you posted these pictures. The colors in film are something you kind of just watch without paying any attention to how much it is changing the mood and emotion of the scene. Say someone hasn't seen this movie (which to be honest, few probably haven't!) and they just saw these two pictures, they would be able to see how much more intense the second picture is.
