Saturday, February 5, 2011

Lost in Little Brother

Alright, when I started this book I was really enjoying it. I loved to suspense and mystery of the future. The fact that this was based to be in the immediate future, to where the new Xbox system is a huge factor in Marcus's revolution against the American government. There are certain things about this novel that would make it very hard for me to use in a classroom as a solo assignment.(Meaning that students could not choose another book to read.) Most importantly, is the fact that the technology is so advanced the book seems really far-fetched. Also as the the American government system works, I really don't think democrats or republicans would let surveillance of that magnitude take place, especially within the schools. I think students who really enjoyed politics, history, or computers would love this book. I'd definitely keep it in my class library as an option, or even try to use it as a parallel novel to Orwell's 1984 as a class project.

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