Thursday, February 3, 2011

Internet Evolution (Vanity Fair)

Although this article was really long, I thought it was awesome! I really liked how the concept of the internet had so much potential but yet no one wanted to touch it. AT&T were even rooting against the engineers!

"When you put a computer in the hands of a human, the interaction between them becomes much greater than the individual parts." This theory is true for so much more than just computers. In the matter of students and knowledge/learning how the interaction between the two becomes so much greater rather than the student or knowledge on their own.

"And he pretty much instantly made a budget change within his agency and took a million dollars away from one of his other offices and gave it to me to get started.It took about 20 minutes." Would this happen now? Would someone have enough confidence to put in into a project that had so many reasons to fail? I think that the sound economy a few decades ago is a good reason why this took off to well. With the economy it is today, philanthropists would be a bit more skeptical.

"1969 was quite a year. Man on the moon. Woodstock. Mets won the World Series. Charles Manson starts killing these people here in Los Angeles. And the Internet was born. Well, the first four everyone know about." I love this I think this is hilarious. Today, people use the internet for something. But most people don't think abut the moon, or Woodstock, Charles Manson or the World Series (unless it's baseball season.)

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