Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I am a part of a Twisted group for the Facebook project and I just finished the book last night. The beginning and the middle were both very interesting and kept my interest, but I HATED the ending. It was so abrupt and sudden, it seemed like Anderson wasn't sure how to end the novel so she simply just cut it off.

What I really liked about the novel is that it was one of the first books I read, that had the point of view from a male character. There were points in the novel I stopped and asked my boyfriend "Do 16 year-old boys like this way?" In case you were wondering, they do. I really liked that dramatics and intense plot that kept the book an easy read until a part in the novel where Tyler has his world begin to crash....again. I can't decide whether this is poor writing, Anderson wanted the reader to feel the same anguish that Tyler has when suffering through this, or if the Anderson likes to dwell in her character's pity.

1 comment:

  1. I have never read Twisted, but am a huge fan of Anderson, so would encourage you to read her other works, but ill have to read twisted and see if i agree with what you said about the ending! : )
