Sunday, January 16, 2011

Little Brother

I've started reading Little Brother and I am at pg 50, or just finished chapter 3. This book reminds me a lot of the book 1984 mixed with the movie The Book of Eli. Strange I know. It reminds me of 1984 because the government is always watching and monitoring what the world is doing, down to the gait of their walk as identification. But it also reminds me The Book of Eli, as the setting. I imagine a lot of dust and dirt. The mysterious bomb, and terrorist attack could have been to what almost ended the world as a set-up to the movie plot.

I really like the use of different language concepts in this novel. The fact that the author uses the narration like a teen boy who tends to be the rebel of society. Doctorow shows Winston's intelligence by having the character be able to tell a high technological concept then "dumb it down" for the readers to understand. Also teens today tend to speak foreign languages in various phrases. I really like how the author creates a flavor to the main character by doing this as well.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate that the technology side is "dumbed down" otherwise I would be SUPER confused! I totally get what you are saying about it showing Winston/Marcus's intelligence by having it as part of the text and then having him describe it to the reader.

    PS: LARP!!!
